Off they went, along a familiar path they would never share again, towards separate lives that would span two worlds, millions of miles apart. They were the Caretakers of their worlds, keeping Mars and Earth safe from the darker forces at work within all human beings. They would carry within them the light of wisdom and show others the grace, beauty and power of Nature.
That would all begin tomorrow, but today it was John's twelfth birthday, and like any other
Saturday, it was the day he walked in the mountains above the little coastal town
with his best friend and teacher, Grandpa George. John looked at his grandfather
as they headed down the last few feet of trail, past Ms. Whitman's fence and draping
apple trees, towards the paved road at the edge of town that would lead to their house.
"So," John said, "I guess Ms. Whitman will be staying too?"
"Oh yeah," said George, and draped an arm over John's shoulders.
"Which reminds me of something else I've been meaning to talk to you about."
"You don't have to, Mom already told me."
George rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated "whew" as grandfather and
grandson turned off the dirt trail and headed one last time for hot chocolate and home.